In Hiroshima, two brave dogs named Neiro and Shiba once lived ordinary lives before they encountered blockchain technology. However, the waves of history swept them into an adventure they never expected. Neiro, known for his intelligence and cunning, and Shiba, always cheerful and energetic, emerged from the depths of history after significant events and decided to become the new heroes of the crypto world.

Using the destructive impact of Hiroshima as a springboard, Neiro and Shiba left the past behind and stepped into the digital world. Discovering the power of blockchain technology, these two friends decided to create a new digital asset on the Tron network. The Neiro & Shiba Token represents their humorous and playful spirit in this new world.

Neiro's strategic intelligence and Shiba's positive energy are embedded in every part of this token. The Neiro & Shiba (NSHIB) is not just an investment tool but also a bridge from the past to the future, a manifesto of humor to lighten the burdens of history.


Once upon a time, in a peaceful neighborhood of Hiroshima, there lived two dogs named Neiro and Shiba. Neiro was known for his intelligence and strategic thinking, while Shiba was full of energy, joy, and always in search of adventure. These two friends were different from other dogs; they had a vision that extended beyond the world they lived in.

In 1945, the city of Hiroshima witnessed one of the darkest days in history. Much of the city was devastated, but Neiro and Shiba survived the destruction. Survival was in their nature. After the devastation, these two friends decided to walk through the deserted streets of the city every morning, determined to erase the traces of the past and rediscover life. For them, each day was a new beginning, filled with hope and courage.


One day, as Neiro and Shiba were wandering among the ruins of the city, they saw a shining light. This light was different from all the others. It symbolized a new path forward, free from the burdens of the past. This light opened the doors to the world of blockchain for them.


Neiro and Shiba decided to build a bridge between the old world and the new digital era, leaving behind the pain of the past to forge a new beginning in a city that had witnessed one of history's greatest destructions. Equipped not only with hope and courage but also with the power of blockchain technology, they created their own digital asset: Neiro & Shiba Token ($NSHIB).


This token was more than just a digital currency; it was a reflection of their story, embodying the spirit of resilience, humor, and courage. As their story spread, $NSHIB became a symbol of hope and innovation, representing a legacy of overcoming adversity and embracing new opportunities. The token captured the essence of Neiro and Shiba's journey, from the ruins of Hiroshima to the forefront of the crypto world, offering a unique blend of past and future. $NSHIB stands as a testament to their enduring spirit, inviting others to join their mission and be part of their transformative tale.


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Neiro & Shiba Token was designed as a community-driven digital asset in the decentralized finance world. $NSHIB represents the humorous and resilient spirit of Neiro and Shiba, giving token holders the chance to be a part of this story.


Phase 1


.DEX Listings

.1,000 + holders



.CoinMarketCap Fast Track

Phase 2

.CEX Listings

.Strategic Partnerships

.10,000+ Holders


Phase 3

.Tier 1 Exchange listings

.$NSHIB Official MERCH

.+100M MarkeetCap

.50,000+ Holders